Creating safe healing spaces for children, adolescents, families,
and young adults.

Anitya अनित्य Anitya is a Sanskrit word for the Hindu concept of impermanence. It refers to the idea that all things and experiences in this world are temporary: We as beings, our journey, our emotional transactions and also the suffering and pains we all go through.
Striving for Anitya, therefore, provides freedom and stability by helping us
become more present to ourselves, feelings, emotions, our blockages, and strides
by viewing ourselves in the “mirror of today” and not a “permanent tomorrow”.

RCI licensed rehabilitation counselor, Certified expressive arts-based
therapy practitioner
Her role in therapy, as she very fondly enunciates is simply a “facilitator,” to help all her beings reach their true destinations of self-discovery and healing, by elevating the waters of self-doubt, and self-ostracization, thereby choosing to take charge of their own lives.

3 - Step Process

From Therapy to Training, our services range working with diverse individuals and groups with the mission of ending the stigma that surrounds mental health, by opening multiple channels of discussions, and dialogues and raising awareness.
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It's our way of knowing and understanding you in the most custom way we can.
Post filling the form a confirmation email shall be sent to you to confirm and book your session.

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The place to know a lot more and be informed. We also write about our variety of experiences and events.Stay Updated and learn about our approach, vision, and events.
Receive your FREE 10 min consultation with our therapist to understand your concerns better. This service has been started to empower more people to take therapy.
How Therapy at ANITYA works
In order to Book A Session, You may click our Book Now button at the top and choose your session type, make payment for the booking and you will receive an email with your session details. We offer Therapy for Individuals, Couples, Groups, Families, and Neurodivergent Individuals and Families. We also have sessions for Training and Modalities. To know more about these sessions you may click on read more, and understand our approach and areas of therapy. We accept payments online or at the session as well.

Once the session slot is booked, all you need to do is simply get yourself to have your first meeting set with your therapist online or face to face. The first few meeting during the session is focused simply to help you, your child or your family/partners to get comfortable and acquainted with the process and environment of therapy. It shall also focus on allowing a safe space for you to feel seen, heard, and acknowledged through the empathetic embracing of the client, providing them a space to be actively heard and given the space to unwind.
The first few sessions focus as much on rapport building, helping the clients feel comfortable but also in receiving their narratives and understanding life stories through case history and data collection. During this first session the client will have the opportunity to see how therapy will work, review office policies, privacy and confidentiality, as well as determine whether or not they are comfortable with the therapist.
It’s vital to have a positive working relationship with your therapist, so it’s recommended that the client and therapist will meet 2-3 times before deciding whether or not the relationship will continue. The therapist will provide client with referrals of specialists or trusted colleagues if they feel someone else might better be able to work with the client


Helping expand and raise awareness of the issues that the clients come with by starting from where they are, their core problems, and using case history data collection to help map it to the roots of the issues, where, when, and how the problem would have first begun, what maintains the problem today and has continued in the past, ( reasons surfacing from work, home, individual patterns, social relationships, culture, societal rituals, etc)
After having expanded the awareness of the problems and the issues, using that information as means of helping the clients make better sense of their issues, churn them, learn to be kinder and embracing of themselves holistically which paves them towards rechoosing newer, healthier coping strategies for dealing with their issues in the day to day lives.
The final stage of therapy sessions, focus on new ways of coping with older problems by expanding the capacities for problem-solving, decision making, managing emotional outbursts, meltdown, behavioral challenges, reducing mental breakdowns, learning to be more centered and peaceful by training them to pick mind-body red signs before breakdowns happen and choosing healthier coping strategies which are solution-oriented than reactive outside or self-limiting.
We believe that each person possesses the power of self-healing and this power comes from paying heed to the messages we receive from our own bodies and mind. Since each person is unique, no one else can be an authority on another’s feelings and expressions. Our focus is not on what your creations, artworks, or verbal exchanges mean to us. Instead, we facilitate the sessions in a manner that helps you explore, discover, and trust your own, personal meaning from the creative process and its outcomes.

Markers of progress in therapy
We set agendas/ goals with the client in the first few intake sessions, which build the roadmap for our journey with the client. Homework serves as one window to understand the progress made by the client through their thoughtful reflections,
In addition, post every 15 sessions, therapists at Anitya entail a follow-up with the clients in the following domains of their life, to embark on how they are feeling, which becomes feedback for their progress. Some markers of therapy sound/look like this:
Homework in therapy: The core principle of allocating homework is to equip clients with tools to change thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and their interplay. Homework may be defined as activities carried out between sessions in order to practice skills outside of therapy and to generalize to the natural environment
We take privacy and confidentiality extremely seriously. All information shared during the therapeutic process is treated with sensitivity. Care is taken to ensure any personal information shared individually in the session with the facilitator or in the group sessions is treated with utmost respect and confidentiality. The records from therapy sessions are kept confidential and no individual identities are revealed in any reports, publications or case studies.

The number of sessions depends on the individual needs of the client, and the severity of the issues the client. Since we value a process/journey-oriented route to therapy, we let the client and their insight decide their course and duration of therapy.
There are too many benefits of participating in therapy to list! Therapists can provide support, problem-solving skills, and coping strategies for a wide range of issues. Therapists, being objective, can provide a different or a fresh perspective on a problem that you have been struggling with.

You may not need to have any prior experience or talent in art./ healing practices, at Anitya, we value the ,process’ and ‘journey’ of making art , creations or connecting to higher states of self through conversations, or internal healing processes more than the final product. Anything that comes out of you is beautiful because it is an expression of YOU and it holds a special message for you. All you need, to gain maximum benefit from these sessions, is trust and openness for the cathartic as a reflective journey to make sense of the world you have created, using it as insights into your healing journey forward in therapy
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